Recipients of Yurikago (Cradle) Fund Supporting Adoptions Named¥20.5 Million for Three Projects by Three Groups Providing Family Environment for Children Needing Public Care

The Nippon Foundation is engaged in foster parent training and the improvement of foster homes and family homes to create a society in which children requiring public care can live in a family environment.

On October 1, the Nippon Foundation decided to provide assistance to the following organizations to promote adoption as a form of child welfare, with the aim of allowing children who for whatever reason cannot be raised by their biological parents to grow up in a family environment, without spending long periods in child welfare facilities.

Organization Project Name, Summary, and Amount
Inochi-O-Tsunagu Yurikago Promoting the Quality and Awareness of Adoption ProgramsWorking to raise the awareness and improve the quality of operations of special adoption programs that allow children to live with families.¥8,820,000
Association for Advancement of Family Care Promoting the Creation of Permanent Families through AdoptionInstalling equipment and raising awareness to increase the efficiency of adoption programs.¥7,960,000
International Social Service Japan Surveying and Promoting Post-Adoption ServicesConducting a survey of an advanced post-adoption support structure in the United Kingdom, and using those results to provide information and create a similar structure in Japan.¥3,720,000
Total (Three Organizations) ¥20,500,000


Public Relations Department
The Nippon Foundation
