
We are Japan’s largest philanthropic foundation, tackling the world’s most pressing social issues.


We deliver on these promises

  1. 100% utilization
    The Nippon Foundation does not deduct indirect or administrative costs from donations received.
  2. Accountability
    All activities are audited and reported to donors.
  3. 60 years of grant experience
    With 60 years of experience, we have a global network of nonprofit organizations and businesses.

Call for donations

The Nippon Foundation, Japan’s largest grantmaking organization, has since its establishment in 1962 been actively addressing various social issues. We are developing initiatives geared toward the resolution of major problems facing Japanese society, including the preparation of countermeasures against and support for recovery from major natural disasters, and the creation of safe and secure environments for the children who will lead the next generation. At the same time, social issues in present-day Japan are becoming increasingly complex, and many of the problems we face cannot be solved with our resources alone.

Challenges to Tackle

The Nippon Foundation seeks solutions to various social issues both inside Japan and abroad. Here are some examples of issues addressed through our projects.

Japanese children facing financial hardship

Japanese children facing financial hardship

Some 2.6 million children across Japan are said to face economic challenges. We have established and support the Children’s 3rd Place program, which offers places where children who face various difficulties can spend time interacting with others.

Heavy rain and sudden downpours

Heavy rain and sudden downpours

Heavy rain and sudden downpours causing flooding and landslides are occurring with increasing frequency in Japan. Days of heavy rainfall*A have increased 1.7 times over the past 30 years, while the number of flash downpours*B has also increased over the long term, rising 1.4 times over the past decade alone.
*A: Days per year with daily rainfall of 200mm or more.
*B : Number of times per year with hourly rainfall of 50mm or more.

Providers of accessible products around the world

Providers of accessible products around the world

3.6% of the world’s enterprises*C offer products and services for the 1 billion people with disabilities.*D Together with the Valuable 500 international management network, we are promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in business.
*C: Enterprises offering products & services catering to people with disabilities
*D: Worldwide population of people with disabilities

Plastic waste released into the oceans

Plastic waste released into the oceans

Roughly 8 million tons of plastic waste flows into the world’s oceans every year. In response to problems including marine pollution and overfishing, we are working to foster a next generation who will give consideration to the future of our seas.

Initiatives Supported by Your Donations