Relaunch of English WebsiteNew design aims to broaden scope and enhance accessibility

The Nippon Foundation has launched a redesigned English-language website on January 23rd. The new design aims to provide a more comprehensive overview of the Foundation’s activities while also increasing accessibility. In addition to the information related to the Foundation’s activities and grant programs available on the current website, the new website will include data and findings gained from these activities, so that by sharing them with a wider audience, more people will become aware of and involved in addressing the various issues facing society around the world.

The colors, fonts, layouts, and other design elements are also being updated to make the website more accessible to a wider audience, including people with limited vision. We hope that the redesigned website will lead to more people visiting and learning about the Foundation, gaining a better understanding of our philosophy and activities, and joining us in addressing social issues to achieve “A society where all people support one another.”


Global Communications Team
The Nippon Foundation

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