2017 United Nations Ocean Conference~High Level Reception:Our Oceans, Our Islands, Our Future”Partnering for Implementation of SDG14”~
First, I would like to offer my deepest gratitude for your attendance this evening. I am grateful for this opportunity to be with you all tonight to share our visions on how we can meet the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 14.(*)
The Nippon Foundation is committed to achieve the targets of SDG 14, especially to support Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries. As you may have heard, earlier today, we proudly announced the signing for three new capacity development projects with the UN DOALOS. The projects will aim to meet the targets of SDG 14 by training ocean professionals from developing States in areas such as conservation and sustainable use of BBNJ.
For over 30 years, The Nippon Foundation has been engaging in capacity building projects based on a conviction. A conviction that the evolution of humanity is driven by actions of dedicated individuals. Standing before you, I see people who care deeply about our oceans. I see people who are dedicating their lives to make the oceans sustainable.
The challenges our oceans face today, are multifaceted and global. No single individual, institute, or nation can resolve them on its own. These challenges can only be met when all of us reach across our fields of expertise and discipline, and act together, as a team. Let us work together to ensure that we pass on sustainable oceans to our future generations.
(*) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans and marine resources for sustainable development.