S-ILF Event: CII Young Indians Sensitization Program on Anti Leprosy Day

Video Message

Mr. Tarun Das, Chairman, Sasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation, Mr. Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Ms. Smita Agarwal, National Chair, Young Indians of CII distinguished guests and participants. Today, January 30th is the Anti Leprosy Day in India, which was established to render homage to the soul of Mahatma Gandhi who was deeply committed to the cause of leprosy and to honor his great achievements.

Through the National Leprosy Control Program in India, the number of patients have dramatically declined due to the efforts of the Ministry of Health as well as the government and private sectors. The ambitious initiative of Prime Minister Modi is to make zero patients of leprosy by 2030. Leprosy has been feared as a disease accompanied by harsh discrimination since the Old Testament days. But in recent years, not only has medicine been provided free of charge, but also the efforts of community health workers called ASHAs in India have been very effective method of early diagnosis and early treatment and avoiding disability as leprosy progresses.

Even though leprosy is known as a curable disease and that it will be totally cured without leaving physical disabilities, yet even to this day, many people still wrongly believe that it is God’s punishment or it is a contagious disease. Although the resolution to eradicate discrimination towards persons affected by leprosy and their family members has been unanimously adopted by 192 then UN member countries, but unfortunately, this severe stigma and discrimination still continue even today as one of the major global human rights issues.

Today, it is indeed a breakthrough within the leprosy elimination activities that you, Young Indians of CII, are aggressively participating to resolve these problems that I have just mentioned. I am full of awe for the courage of all of you. As we look back into global history, we see that it has always been the young people who have transformed the world with their dreams for the future. I welcome all of you today and once again express my gratitude and respect that you are joining us to work together towards our goal. Thank you.

*This video message is available at The Nippon Foundation YouTube.