Arctic Circle Japan Forum
Your Excellency Mr. Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, Chairman of the Arctic Circle, distinguished participants. I am very happy that the Sasakawa Peace Foundation is hosting the Arctic Circle Japan Forum in partnership with the Arctic Circle and The Nippon Foundation, and I am honored to be given this opportunity to address you. In particular, we respect the Arctic Circle for the active and constructive discussions for the future under the strong leadership of Mr. Grimson.
30 years ago, it was thought that the development of the Northern Sea Route would be impossible. But the Arctic Ocean, still the unknown to mankind at the time had roused in me a sense of adventure and we set out to challenge the realization of a “Dream Sea Route.” With Professor Emeritus Hiromitsu Kitawaga and Mr. Eisuke Kudo. One of our initiatives was the “International Northern Sea Route Programme”, or INSROP, that we undertook with Fridtjof Nansen Institute based in Norway and the Central Marine and Design Institute of Russia for ten years. As a reinforcement to INSROP, Japan initiated the JANSROP as a new phase for the “Development and Operation Programme for Environmental Sustainability in East Eurasia.” The findings we achieved through several initiatives were covered by the Arctic Council and received high recognition worldwide. The “Dream Sea Route” that we yearned for in our adventure and the challenge to the unknown became a reality. Today the Arctic Ocean brings about an increase in the number of foreign merchant ships using the Northern Sea Route.
Yet on the other hand, the world oceans including the Arctic Ocean are critically endangered. Global warming has brought about diverse challenges to the Arctic region. Namely, changes in the natural environment of the Arctic Ocean, negative impact on the ecosystem and the lives of the indigenous population, crisis to the island nations with the melting ice causing the rise of the sea level. Our dream Arctic Ocean like all other world oceans is also facing a real threat which in turn is a threat to the survival of humankind. As it is stated in the SDGs Goal fourteen ”Healthy oceans and seas are essential to human existence and life on Earth.” Unfortunately, Asian countries including Japan have not yet to date formed a future vision regarding how to comprehensively deal with challenges in the Arctic Ocean. I believe that it is now, with our shared belief that “the ocean is our common asset,” we commit ourselves to the sustainable preservation and management based on an orderly and peaceful Arctic Ocean.
The Arctic Circle Japan Forum has called together experts from all parts of the world. The ocean environment is changing rapidly and changes facing the Arctic Ocean in particular are extremely serious. Let us mobilize your expertise and experience to explore the roles Japan and Asia can fulfill towards the future of the Arctic Ocean in cooperation with the Arctic Circle. Thank you very much.