WHO Global Leprosy Program Conference
Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh, Regional Director、 WHO South-East Asia Region, Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab, Acting Regional Director, WHO Western Pacific Region, distinguished guests and participants from 22 countries. I am, as the WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination, truly delighted that experts and stakeholders have come together at this conference to discuss the issues of leprosy which has lagged behind during the Covid pandemic.
I evaluate highly the initiative of the WHO GLP in announcing “The Technical Guidance on Interruption of Transmission and Elimination of Leprosy Disease “at this conference. This Guidance is of great significance as it specifies the next target for the countries that have achieved the milestone of leprosy elimination as a public health problem. I have great hopes that this Guidance will be a momentum in each country to strengthen its leprosy program through combined action of early detection, early treatment, contact screening and preventative medication.
As for the Pacific Island states, I express my sincere respect to the too few l number of leprosy officers who are working very hard. But unfortunately, these countries are identified as having a large number of new child cases. I sincerely hope that the ongoing strong leprosy program will continue to be implemented in this region. Again, for those countries that are close to achieving zero leprosy it is just as important to keep in mind, in addition, and more than before, the existence of stigma and discrimination towards persons affected by leprosy and their families.
I have been reported that many topics were discussed at the conference. I would ask you all that you will turn the discussions into action in each of your countries to achieve a zero-leprosy world. If there is anything that I can do in this process, please do not hesitate to contact me. My action philosophy is that” the problems and answers are found in the field. “I would, therefore, like to visit your countries to not only to collaborate in achieving zero leprosy but also to approach leprosy as a human rights issue that the persons affected by leprosy are facing. I look forward to seeing you all in the very near future. Thank you.
*This video message is available at The Nippon Foundation YouTube.