Forging Global Ties

As countries become increasingly globalized and interdependent, various problems like poverty, disease, and environmental degradation cross national borders and become intertwined, and have a major impact on people and their daily lives.

In addition to abundant knowledge and experience, global cooperation and a shared sense of purpose, based on mutual trust and understanding, are important in addressing these issues.

We cultivate human resources, instilling people with a strong determination to tackle the world’s various problems, and build international networks that act to bring about social change.


The Nippon Foundation Scholars Association (TNFSA)

For the past 40 years, The Nippon Foundation has provided around 40 different scholarship programs, benefiting approximately 40,000 individuals worldwide. Until now, once recipients completed their scholarships, the relationship with the foundation would typically end. However, in order to continue supporting recipients after their scholarships, The Nippon Foundation launched The Nippon Foundation Scholars Association (TNFSA) in 2020. Anyone who has benefited from The Nippon Foundation scholarship is eligible to join.

Together with Nikkei Communities

The Nippon Foundation began supporting Nikkei* communities in various countries in the 1970s as a tribute to the early generations of Japanese emigrants who overcame numerous hardships in other countries under emigration policies and who laid the foundation of today’s Nikkei communities.

Read Japan Project

The goal of the READ JAPAN PROJECT is to use outstanding books to provide readers around the world with an accurate picture of Japan. In particular, the foundation hopes to reach out to young researchers who are interested in Japan, as well as opinion leaders and intellectuals specializing in areas other than Japanese studies.

JACAFA: A Network for Central Asia and Japan

In 1991, the dissolution of the USSR raised a new curtain on relations between the former Soviet republics and the rest of the world.


The Nippon Foundation