In the Cause of Life

Human life ultimately ends with death.

Death has many causes, including illness, accidents, and even suicide.

We reinforce social safety nets and provide support to enrich irreplaceable human lives, so that people can live out their lives as they wish, while leaving a bright future for their families and loved ones.


Interim Report on 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake and Flood Damage Relief

The Nippon Foundation’s disaster response activities are based on the principle of implementing appropriate action for each phase of support.

Response to Flooding in Western Japan

In response to the flooding and landslides that struck western Japan from July 5, The Nippon Foundation decided to implement the following emergency support measures for persons in the region who experienced damage.

Support for Disaster Recovery

First, look at the big picture and understand the situation on the ground – this is The Nippon Foundation’s guiding principle when responding to disasters.

The Nippon Foundation Suicide Prevention Project

One in four people in Japan “seriously considers suicide.” This is one of the findings that emerged from The Nippon Foundation Suicide Awareness Survey 2016, carried out by The Nippon Foundation to coincide with the World Health Organization’s World Suicide Prevention Day.

Response to July 2020 Flooding in Kyushu

The Nippon Foundation responded to the flooding that occurred in Kumamoto and Kagoshima prefectures on the island of Kyushu in July 2020 in a number of ways.

Emergency Support in Response to Spread of Coronavirus Infections

The Nippon Foundation is carrying out the following support measures while closely following the situation with regard to infections.

Special Fund for Disaster Preparedness

A special fund has been established to provide emergency relief in the event of large-scale damage from a major disaster like an earthquake striking directly below a large urban center or in the Nankai Trough off Japan’s Pacific coast

Support for Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake (“ROAD Project”)

The Great East Japan Earthquake, which struck northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011, with an epicenter off the coast of the Sanriku region, triggered the largest tsunami ever recorded in Japan, and caused extensive damage from the Tohoku region of northeastern Honshu to the Kanto region around Tokyo.

Response to September 2018 Hokkaido Earthquake

A magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck the southern part of Hokkaido, Japan’s northern main island, early in the morning of September 6. The quake triggered landslides in mountainous rural areas, burying homes and taking the lives of more than 40 people, and cutting off supplies of water and electricity.

Response to the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake

A series of major earthquakes beginning on April 14, 2016, with epicenters in Kumamoto Prefecture, inflicted major damage to a wide area of the island of Kyushu. The Nippon Foundation is actively engaged in supporting the reconstruction of damaged areas.


The Nippon Foundation