Toward Human Security

Many problems like poverty, famine, disease, and armed conflict are regional or global issues that transcend national boundaries. The lives, livelihoods, and dignity of people in developing countries are especially threatened.

Given the difficulty of solving these problems by the affected countries on their own, the countries, international institutions, private-sector companies, NGOs, and other organizations that make up the international community need to work together to deploy their respective strengths and specializations.

We work with various stakeholders around the world to address the diverse problems facing humanity.


Improving the Quality of Education for Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam

Vietnam is home to more than 50 ethnic minorities, and many of these people live in villages in the mountains or other areas that are difficult to access, meaning that children do not have sufficient opportunities to learn Vietnamese, the country’s common language. As a result, many of these children fall behind after entering elementary school, and this has become a social issue.

The Nippon Foundation Support for Evacuees from Ukraine

We have provided assistance for travel, and we are providing assistance for living expenses for Ukrainian citizens who evacuated to Japan as a result of Russia’s invasion in February 2022 and who have a guarantor with residence status in Japan.

Raising Social Awareness of Sign Language

Based on the view that “sign language is the mother language of Deaf people,” The Nippon Foundation is engaged in the development and spread of sign language and the use of sign language for education.

Myanmar Support Program

The Nippon Foundation’s activities in Myanmar began in 1976 with medical support for persons affected by leprosy, and over the years since then we have engaged in roughly 70 projects in the country.

Project to Support Education in Cambodia

The Nippon Foundation is supporting teacher training and English language education in Cambodia with the aim of eliminating gaps in education between urban and rural areas, so that through school education, Cambodian children have greater choices for their future and are able to embark on life with hope.

The National Hansen’s Disease Museum

From April 1, 2016, The Nippon Foundation has been entrusted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare with the operation of the National Hansen’s Disease Museum in Higashimurayama, Tokyo, and the Jyu-Kanbo National Museum of Detention for Hansen’s Disease Patients in Kusatsu, Gunma Prefecture.

Agricultural Assistance in Africa

Agriculture accounts for more than 20% of GDP in as many as 30 African countries. Roughly 60-70% of Africa’s population lives in rural areas, and many of these people are smallholder farmers.

Support for Persons with Disabilities

The Nippon Foundation, established in 1962, has been involved in activities to support persons with disabilities in Japan and around the world for more than 50 years. In the course of working together with persons with disabilities, we have learned that removing the obstacles that prevent their equal participation paves the way for everyone – with or without a disability – to demonstrate their full potential.

The Nippon Foundation’s Traditional Medicine Projects

On October 29, 2010, the head of the Mongolian Ministry of Health signed a memorandum of understanding outlining an action plan for the ministry to take over from The Nippon Foundation the administration of a project involving traditional medicine boxes, starting from the tentative date of January 1, 2012.

Elimination of Leprosy

The worldwide movement to eliminate leprosy has been enjoying considerable success since MDT was endorsed by the WHO in 1981. The Nippon Foundation has been instrumental in this success, to the point that in 2001 WHO asked Yohei Sasakawa, our chairman, to be its Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination.


The Nippon Foundation