Awareness Survey of 18-Year-Olds – Values and Life DesignResults of 52nd installment announced – Less than 20% ‘definitely will marry,’ while more than 70% view Japan’s aging population and declining birthrate with sense of caution

The 52nd installment of the Awareness Survey of 18-Year-Olds, launched by The Nippon Foundation in October 2018, was carried out from December 2-5, 2022, on the subject of “Values and Life Design.” The survey of 1,000 respondents in Japan aged 17 to 19 (i.e., approaching or just having reached legal adulthood) was intended to examine young people’s values and thinking regarding marriage and partnership, and child-rearing.
While more than 40% of male and female respondents replied “Yes” to the question, “Do you want to get married in the future,” only roughly 20% of men and roughly 10% of women replied “Definitely yes” when asked, “Do you believe you actually will get married in the future.” In addition, more than 70% approved of common-law marriages, the use of separate surnames by husbands and wives, and partnership oath systems for same-sex couples.
With regard to Japan’s aging population and declining birthrate, more than 70% of both men and women view the situation with a sense of crisis, while roughly 80% replied that the government’s response is “insufficient” and showed a clear desire for economic support including tuition-free education.

Highlights of the 52nd Awareness Survey of 18-Year-Olds – Values and Life Design

Approval of diverse partnership structures

  • Common law-marriage – 79.5%
  • Use of separate surnames by husband and wife – 78.3%
  • Partnership oath systems for same-sex couples – 81.0%

Sense of crisis regarding Japan’s aging population and declining birthrate

  • Yes – 74.1%
  • No – 7.6%
  • Totals of “Strong sense of crisis + Some sense of crisis” and “No sense of crisis + Little sense of crisis.”

Reaction to government measures to address Japan’s aging population and declining birthrate

  • Sufficient – 18.0%
  • Insufficient – 82.0%
  • Totals of “Sufficient + Somewhat sufficient” and “Insufficient + Somewhat insufficient.”

Resources to address declining birthrate

  1. Increase in corporate income tax rate (29.5%)
  2. Reduction in pension-related spending – 22.2%
  3. Reduction in international cooperation-related spending – 21.5%

Survey Excerpts

Bar chart showing results from Awareness Survey of 18-Year-Olds: When asked whether they approve of diverse partnership structures, for “Common-law marriage,” 79.5% of all respondents (n = 1,000) approved, which broke down as 78.2% of male respondents (n = 514) and 80.9% of female respondents (n = 486). For “Use of separate surnames by husband and wife,” 78.3% of all respondents approved, which broke down as 73.9% of male respondents and 82.9% of female respondents. For “Partnership oath systems for same-sex couples,” 81.0% of all respondents approved, which broke down as 76.3% of male respondents and 86.0% of female respondents.
Percentage of respondents approving of diverse partnership structures
Bar chart showing results from Awareness Survey of 18-Year-Olds: In response to the question, “Do you feel a sense of crisis regarding Japan’s aging population and declining birthrate?”, among all respondents (n = 1,000), 37.3% replied “Strong sense of crisis,” 36.8% replied “Some sense of crisis,” 18.3% replied “Don’t know / Have not given it thought,” 3.1% replied “Little sense of crisis,” and 4.5% replied “No sense of crisis.” Among male respondents (n = 514), 40.9% replied “Strong sense of crisis,” 32.1% replied “Some sense of crisis,” 17.9% replied “Don’t know / Have not given it thought,” 3.9% replied “Little sense of crisis,” and 5.3% replied “No sense of crisis.” Among female respondents (n = 486), 33.5% replied “Strong sense of crisis,” 41.8% replied “Some sense of crisis,” 18.7% replied “Don’t know / Have not given it thought,” 2.3% replied “Little sense of crisis,” and 3.7% replied “No sense of crisis.”
Sense of crisis regarding Japan’s aging population and declining birthrate
Bar chart showing results from Awareness Survey of 18-Year-Olds: In response to the question, “What is your reaction to government measures to address Japan’s aging population and declining birthrate?”, among all respondents (n = 1,000), 3.7% replied “Sufficient,” 14.3% replied “Somewhat sufficient,” 43.7% replied “Somewhat insufficient,” and 38.3% replied “Insufficient.” Among male respondents (n = 514), 4.9% replied “Sufficient,” 15.8% replied “Somewhat sufficient,” 36.6% replied “Somewhat insufficient,” and 42.8% replied “Insufficient.” Among female respondents (n = 486), 2.5% replied “Sufficient,” 12.8% replied “Somewhat sufficient,” 51.2% replied “Somewhat insufficient,” and 33.5% replied “Insufficient.”
Reaction to government measures to address Japan’s aging population and declining birthrate


  1. From the 13th survey, the number of respondents, comprising men and women aged 17 to 19, has been increased to 1,000 from 800.
  2. With the exception of the 20th and 46th installments, “Awareness Survey of Society and Country,” all surveys cover respondents in Japan only.

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