Global Appeal 2014 to End Stigma and Discrimination Against People Affected by Leprosy
Leprosy is one of the world’s oldest diseases. Caused by a bacillus, it is completely curable today with modern drug therapy. Contrary to widespread belief, leprosy is not hereditary, it is not untreatable, it is not highly infectious and it is not divine punishment.
Yet because of the myths and misconceptions that surround leprosy, discrimination is never far away. This discrimination can limit opportunities for education, employment and marriage. It can restrict access to public services. It can marginalize entire families.
In December 2010, recognizing the disease’s devastating social, economic and psychological impact, the U.N. General Assembly adopted a resolution on elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members.
The resolution is accompanied by principles and guidelines and reaffirms that people affected by leprosy and their family members should be treated as individuals with dignity and are entitled to all human rights and fundamental freedoms under customary international law, relevant conventions and national constitutions and laws.
As national human rights institutions, we applaud the U.N. resolution and condemn all leprosy-related human rights violations. We uphold the right of people affected by leprosy to live in dignity, free from discrimination. We pledge our support to help to bring down the remaining barriers of stigma and prejudice that stand in their way.
Signatories of Global Appeal 2014
Afghanistan | Independent Human Rights Commission |
Albania | People’s Advocate |
Bangladesh | National Human Rights Commission |
Brazil | Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República |
Burundi | Independent National Human Rights Commission |
Canada | Canadian Human Rights Commission |
Chile | National Institute of Human Rights |
Egypt | National Council for Human Rights |
Ethiopia | Ethiopian Human Rights Commission |
France | Commission Nationale Consultative des Droits de l’Homme (CNCDH) |
Georgia | Office of Public Defender of Georgia |
Hong Kong SAR, China | Equal Opportunities Commission |
India | National Human Rights Commission of India |
Indonesia | National Commission on Human Rights |
Jordan | The National Centre for Human Rights |
Kenya | National Commission on Human Rights |
Kosovo | Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo |
Latvia | Ombudsman Office of the Republic of Latvia |
Lithuania | The Seimas Ombudsmen |
Malaysia | Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) |
Mali | Commission Nationale des Droits de l’Homme du Mali |
Mexico | National Human Rights Commission of Mexico |
Myanmar | Myanmar National Human Rights Commission |
Nepal | National Human Rights Commission |
Nigeria | National Human Rights Commission |
Northern Ireland | Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission |
Philippines | Commission on Human Rights |
Poland | Human Rights Defender |
Republic of Slovenia | Human Rights Ombudsman |
Romania | People’s Advocate Institution |
Rwanda | National Commission for Human Rights |
Slovak Republic | National Centre for Human Rights |
Sri Lanka | Human Rights Commission |
Sudan | National Commission for Human Rights |
Tanzania | Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance |
Thailand | National Human Rights Commission of Thailand |
Trinidad and Tobago | Office of the Ombudsman of Trinidad and Tobago |
Uganda | Uganda Human Rights Commission |
Ukraine | Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights |
Total: 37 countries, 2 regions, 39 institutions |